Risk of Heart Diseases in Elderly

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The heart is a very important organ in our body that pumps blood and
keeps the body running. A healthy human heart in adults is the size of
a clenched fist. It consists of two sides, top and low, both on the right
and left side of the organ which is known as the atrium and ventricle.
The right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs to “collect”
oxygen which would then be passed through the left side of the organ
to the whole body.

People who are older than the age of 60 years are much more likely to
suffer from things such as heart diseases, heart attack, stroke, or even
heart failure. Further, having any kind of heart disease can also lead
up to disability, which limits the movement of the body.

Reason behind the change

The reason for this change due to aging is that while the body is
aging, it causes a change in heart and blood vessels. As the person
gets older, it is common for the heart to not beat as fast as it used to,
during physical activities. Another thing to notice is that it could be
due to the accumulation of fatty acids in the walls of arteries
throughout the years. This also leads to a problem very common in
old people known as high blood pressure.

Symptoms of heart disease

The early stages of heart disease barely show any symptoms as it
gradually increases. However, regular visits with the doctor after the
age of 50 helps in identifying the building process. Some common
symptoms of heart disease could be numbness of arms, shoulders, or
jaw, chest pain while doing any physical activity, dizziness, cold
sweat, vomiting, etc. Swelling in the ankles or stomach is also a very
important indicator.

Preventive Measures for old people

The most important part of keeping the heart healthy is to engage in
physical activities like walking or dancing, it also helps to identify the
shortness of breath in the person. The best way to find what physical
activity suits you and your body is to get in touch with a doctor.

The second step to prevent heart disease is to keep a healthy weight
and notice the intake of calories in the body. A healthy diet,
recommended by a doctor, would also keep the blood pressure and
cholesterol in place which is good for the heart and body. High blood
cholesterol can lead to plaque building up in the arteries which lead to
heart diseases.

Hence, the risk of heart diseases surrounding elderly people is very
high and the preventive measures for that include regular doctor
visits, exercise along a healthy diet.

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4 thoughts on “Risk of Heart Diseases in Elderly

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