Need Sleep Test / Study

Sleep Test / Study

Looking for Sleep Study or test at home? Fill the below form or call us for consultation and booking.

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Sleep Study or Polysomnography Test

Sleep Tests at home are one of the most demanding ways of diagnosing if you have a sleep disorder. Good sleep is important as it improves your brain performance, mood, and health. Not getting quality sleep can raise the risk of many diseases and disorders like heart disease, stroke, obesity, dementia, etc. Sleeping better could improve your energy level which can have a dramatic impact on your quality of life. Zorgers has made the booking of sleep tests at home easy and convenient; the pricing of sleep tests starts from Rs 2,000 and goes up to Rs 9,000 as per your condition, location, doctor prescription, and urgency level. We are tied up with the most prominent doctors who recommend us for these tests to the people in the region.

Sleep Apnea: Don't Ignore the Signs. Is Sleep Apnea impacting your quality of life? Take our free online sleep assessment to uncover potential sleep issues and explore personalized solutions.
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When You Need Sleep Study or Polysomnography Test?

People with heart conditions such as congestive heart failure or atrial fibrillation

People having heart related issues like congestive heart failure may have sleep apnea disorder too.

A sleep partner reporting that you snore, snort or gasp while sleeping

If your sleep partner is complaining you about the snore, snort or gasp while you sleeping is one of the major symptom of Sleep Apnea

Stop Breathing

Stop breathing temporarily during sleep

Day Sleepiness or Dizziness

Excessive daytime sleepiness or dizziness


Depression may cause sleep apnea symptoms to surface & sleep apnea could contribute depressive symptoms


Insomnia - Difficulties to fall asleep

Medical Equipment

Sleep Study Benefits

Benefits Benefits of Sleep Study Test at home

  • Comfort


    Performed in the comfort of your home with no compromise with technology and results

  • Convenience


    Convenient and easily accessible

  • Affordability


    More Affordable compare to lab sleep study where the patient need to spend the night till the time test completes.

  • Non-Invasive


    A non-invasive procedure, with zero risk involved

  • Flexible


    Arrange as per your normal sleep timings. You can choose the timing slot at the time of booking as per your convenience

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How We Work

Care Planning

Booking and Scheduling

Book sleep test through online form or call. You can choose the time slot as per your convenience. Need to make payment in advance for confirmation.

Care Planning

Test Setup at Home

The technician will visit your house to give you basic clarity about test, deploy the necessary equipment and leave.


Report / Results

You will get the report within 24 hours after the test ends

Patient Monitoring

Removal of Setup

The technician will come again to collect the installed equipment and to collect the test data recorded during the test.


How We Work

Care Planning

Booking and Scheduling

Book sleep test through online form or call. You can choose the time slot as per your convenience. Need to make payment in advance for confirmation.

Care Planning

Test Setup at Home

The technician will visit your house to give you basic clarity about test, deploy the necessary equipment and leave.

Patient Monitoring

Removal of Setup

The technician will come again to collect the installed equipment and to collect the test data recorded during the test.


Report / Results

You will get the report within 24 hours after the test ends

How CPAP and BiPAP Machine are different?

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) and BiPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure) are both types of treatment for sleep apnea, a condition in which a person's airway becomes blocked during sleep, causing them to wake up frequently throughout the night.

Best Healthcare Experience The main difference between CPAP and BiPAP is in the way that they deliver air pressure. CPAP delivers a constant, steady stream of air pressure to keep the airway open, while BiPAP delivers two different levels of air pressure: a higher pressure when the person inhales and a lower pressure when they exhale.

Best Healthcare Experience CPAP is generally considered the first-line treatment for sleep apnea, and is recommended for most people with mild to moderate sleep apnea. BiPAP is typically used for people with more severe sleep apnea, or for people who have difficulty tolerating the constant pressure of CPAP.

Best Healthcare Experience Another difference between the two is that BiPAP has a built-in algorithm to detect the patient's breathing pattern and adjust the pressure accordingly. While CPAP is recommended for central apnea (failure of the brain to signal to breathe) and obstructive apnea (blockage of airway) BIPAP is recommended for central and complex sleep apnea.

Best Healthcare Experience In addition, BiPAP is also used to help people with certain lung conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and neuromuscular disorders.

Best Healthcare Experience Ultimately, the choice between CPAP and BiPAP will depend on the specific needs and medical history of the individual, and should be determined in consultation with a sleep specialist or pulmonologist.

Sleep Study at Home

FAQs on Sleep Study at Home

There are no major do's and don'ts before taking the test. You are recommended to follow your daily routine for perfect results.

A regular sleep test session will take 4-8 hrs. The number of sessions may vary on conditions.

Your primary care physician or a physician at a sleep clinic can prescribe it for you to use at home. However, it is not always required to have a prescription.

No, our technician will come and setup the overall equipment and give brief about the setting and procedure to follow and leave. Technician will come again next morning to collect the setup and data.

No, there are no side effects of taking the test as there are no medicines or invasion techniques included in the test