Partner with us

For Doctors and Hospitals/Medical Equipment provider/Equipment manufacturing company or any allied Healthcare business:

We welcome top notch doctors and Healthcare Establishments/Hospitals/Medical equipment manufacturing company to start their own Home Healthcare business and partner with us. For more details please fill in the form and we shall contact you !

Contact Us

*All information shared by you shall be strictly confidential and safe with us.

For Hospitals / Healthcare Centres / Medical Centres

Best Healthcare Experience India's largest network of Home Healthcare service providers; 5000 strong team of Healthcare workers, 48000 patients served, 25 million hours of caregiving delivered

Best Healthcare Experience Operational efficiency (ERP & MIS data analytics)

Best Healthcare Experience Cloud/network for Healthcare professionals and service providers

Best Healthcare Experience Accredited by the Govt of India and Govt of Panjab; Assured quality services from a reputed organization with more than 9 years of experience of delivering quality healthcare at home

Best Healthcare Experience Advisory committee board which represents a cross section of outstanding leaders from various industries and organizations.

Best Healthcare Experience Assured quality of patient monitoring and progress through regular updates, post-hospital discharge or otherwise

Best Healthcare Experience Offer better solutions to your patients including post-operative services, assisted caregiving, home physiotherapy to ensure better outcomes and customer satisfaction

Best Healthcare Experience Help improve outcomes of your patients with comprehensive care as per doctor's instructions as well as the specific needs of the patients

Best Healthcare Experience Robust processes: Transparency in operations/high data security. 5000 strong network of healthcare professionals;

Best Healthcare Experience Service sharing fee for patients who need advice or consultations beyond the home-based services

For the Doctors, Clinicians and Nursing Staff

Best Healthcare Experience Liaison with India's largest network of Home Healthcare services that provides hospital-like care in the comfort of the home

Best Healthcare Experience Zorgers Home Healthcare assists treating doctors by offering post-hospitalization care at home; improvement of postoperative outcomes of patients with comprehensive care plans based on the specific needs of the patients

Best Healthcare Experience Managed caregiving and Digital remote monitoring of patients

Best Healthcare Experience Doctors can contribute towards the best in-home healthcare practices by being on our medical advisory panel

Best Healthcare Experience Assurance of patient monitoring, progress and follow-up through regular updates, in a managed setting

Best Healthcare Experience Well-trained and qualified staff to provide best-in-class quality of services

Best Healthcare Experience Service sharing fee for patients who need advice or consultations beyond home based services

For Medical Equipment Manufacturing Companies

Best Healthcare Experience Comprehensive Patient care: Seamless and blended systems to give real time patient care updates

Best Healthcare Experience Infrastructure: Medical equipment, monitoring devices, technical staff, doctors and clinicians for 24X7 patient support

Best Healthcare Experience Hospital network; best healthcare brands in the country associated with us

Best Healthcare Experience Service sharing fee for patients who need medical equipment at home

Best Healthcare Experience Partner for; Medical equipment, rentals, diagnostic services, brand building, digital solutions

Care with Impact

Dedicated towards Care
10+ Years

Dedicated towards Care

Hours of Care Delivered
30 Million+

Hours of Care Delivered

Patients Served Till Now

Patients Served Till Now





