Living with Cancer- How Home Healthcare can really Help?

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Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases worldwide; in addition to affecting millions of people and being one of the leading causes of death globally, its treatment is a daunting task for both the individual and the family.

But, with the help of advanced and managed home care teams, cancer patients are increasingly receiving care at home at the end of their lives. In recent research studies, this practice has shown positive outcomes for cancer patients and their families.

When should you call for professional help for a person with cancer at home?

A family caregiver should contact professional home health care services in any of the following situations:

● When an individual is not getting any relief from prescribed pain medication.

● A person is always moaning and shows great discomfort.

● He/She is unable to urinate or empty the bowels.

● An individual is suffering from new symptoms like nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, restlessness, and many more.

● Having difficulty breathing.

● An affected person is not able to move on their own.

● Having thoughts of taking their own lives.

● As a family caregiver, you are facing difficulty in giving them medications

● There is little or no appetite.

● An affected person’s breathing becomes noisy, with congestion and gurgling or rattling sounds.

How do home care services help you out?

After you have decided to go with home healthcare services, the question comes about how they help you out in this situation. These trained and skilled home health care providers help your loved one suffering from cancer to ease their suffering by providing regular support.

Providing comfort and support in recovery

During this time, skilled home healthcare providers assist the sick person in becoming more comfortable. They assist with daily tasks from bathing, dressing, moving, and assisting them in passing urine and bowel.

Medical Care

Home healthcare providers are skilled individuals who have been trained in administering the medications efficiently. Whether it’s tube feeding, administering injections or TPN, wound care, medical care, or counseling, they can do it all. Also, they are able to provide chemotherapy under the supervision of oncologists.

Calling for help

The person with cancer and their carers must know who to contact if they have pain-related issues and need immediate assistance. Home health care workers know when and whom to call for help for cancer patients at home without any delay. They are always in direct contact with a physician and a hospital if any emergency conditions happen.

Care at hospital vs Homecare

The cancer treatment in the last stage does not include any therapeutic effect; it is more of a palliative treatment. The hospital environment and the surroundings might disturb the patient emotionally and mentally. Home health care can provide comfort, assistance, and counseling in the comfort of home.

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