Need Nanny at Home

Nanny at Home

Need help with care of New born baby or Post Operative recovery? Contact us Now to enjoy Motherhood!

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Nanny At Home

Nanny, a female, who provides delicate care for your newborn, babies or toddlers You can choose a nanny to serve you for few hours or she could stay permanently round the clock with the mother and baby.

A nanny follows daily schedules and engagements; with initial days specific to JAPA like delicate care; involving eyes care, cord care, skin care etc. and recovery of a mother. The care extends to mental, a physical and emotional growth of the infant

Nanny for Pre Delivery Care

Pre Delivery Care

During pre-delivery, your gynaecologist would have advised some extra support for the mother. Here is where the nanny ensures that the instructions are best followed and ensure no compromise in mother's care.

Nanny for Post Delivery Care

Post Delivery Care

For post-delivery care, a mother's helper will generally have the same responsibility as a nanny; which can include but are not limited to childcare, light housekeeping, meal preparation, helping mother in breastfeeding, laundry etc.

Nanny for baby at home

Working Parents

Leaving your child in a creche may not be an option when you want to return to your professional life, or start a new one. A nanny will assist you while you are away to your job; or even when you are working from home.

What are the duties and responsibilities of nanny at home?

cord-care-by-nanny-at-home Cord Care

Handle the delicate Birth Cord with Care, clean it till the time it dried up.

mouth-care-by-nanny-at-home Mouth Care

Keeping face and mouth clean all time.

baby-sponging Sponging

Bathe and sponge the new born with care.

baby-massage-at-home Massaging

Do oiling and massage of the new born infant with care.

nanny-at-home Bottle/Artificial/Spoon Feeding

Prepare feed for the infant and feed through bottle / spoon etc.

nanny-at-home Washing Clothes

Take care of infant clothes; nappies; etc.

nanny-at-home Diaper/Nappy Change

Take care of diapers / nappies or the infant.

nanny-at-home Sterilization of Utensils

Keep baby bottles sterlized to prevent infections.

nanny-at-home Helps in Sleeping

Help baby sleep that many times especially during initial days.

nanny-at-home Organize & take part in leisure activities

Play with infants when they are slightly grown up.

nanny-at-home Hygiene & Cleanliness

Ensure Hygiene and Cleanliness of infants and its surroundings.

Care with Impact

Dedicated towards Care
10+ Years

Dedicated towards Care

Hours of Care Delivered
30 Million+

Hours of Care Delivered

Patients Served Till Now

Patients Served Till Now





