Zorgers Case History

detail-story Zorgers

Name:Dr. KK Sharma



Service Started on:2020-07-16

Service Ends on:2021-11-30

Medical Condition at The Time Of Start: Conscious, partially ambulatory, fraction of Right femur bone with rod fixation, Hypertension,Left knee surgery

Clinical Outcome: Reasonably more mobile and active than he was at the time of service taken.

Dr. KK Sharma, an 82-year-old patient met an accident where he got his right femur fracture which made him highly dependent on support to even walk on his own.

He had undergone multiple operations and treatments hence, the panel of doctors discussed the condition and advised him to use a stick, a walker or an assistant to walk.

Seeing the condition of Dr. KK Sharma his family approached “zorgers” to provide him with a caregiver for his assistance. He needed a caregiver who can assist him in his daily living for eg. bathing, sponging, oral care, hair care, walking, toileting, urinating with the bedpan and range of motion exercises.

Understanding the requirements of the patient our company comforted him with a very committed and responsible caregiver named “BUNTY”.

BUNTY assists Dr. Sharma to meet all of his daily requirements with all of his efforts and responsibility without any fail. He helps Dr. KK in his chores from bathing to exercise. Bunty the caregiver has made an impact on the life of Dr. KK Sharma that he is not afraid to walk as he knows someone now has got his back to help him in walking.

It’s been almost two years since we have provided our best services to Dr. Sharma. Dr Sharma is extremely happy with the services provided by our team and the cooperation and efforts we made from time to time to fasten his recovery.

Care with Impact

Dedicated towards Care
11+ Years

Dedicated towards Care

Hours of Care Delivered
30 Million+

Hours of Care Delivered

Patients Served Till Now

Patients Served Till Now





